Your degree of faith will speak for you || Faith that commands (part 2)

Merry Christmas to you! Your are welcome to the part 2 of faith topic. If you were here on the blog last week you would remember that we discussed the part 1. In case you missed it please click here to read. So today, I will be sharing some Biblical truths that you need to key in to the kind of faith that commands power. In essence, I will be sharing some secrets about the power in your tongue, the hidden mysteries of positive affirmations and declarations.

sounds interesting or familiar? OK let's go!

Your degree of faith will speak for you || faith that believes (part 1)

Hey there champions, welcome to weekly words for the moment. Today we will be picking up from where we stopped last week. If you missed the first post on this topic please click here. Ok! now that you are back here, still on faith but not just any kind of faith but the kind of faith that believes.
Do you find yourselves struggling with doubts, disbelieve and ignorance?

The flipside of the Coin || the side you don't wish to be on

This is the truth about being on the other
side. You will have to get a taste of both sides of life before you can truly appreciate and value the lessons learnt. Unless you experience what it feels like to be on the other side of any situation, you may not understand what I'm talking about now.
If at all you have not yet experience the both sides of life situations this post is to help you create awareness about some ironies in life, appreciate life the more, learn more yet be thankful for the grace to be where you are now.
On the other hand, if you have had a taste of both sides of life, good or bad, smiles or sadness, today's post is for you as well. It is to encourage you to learn through life, appreciate the struggles and the lessons along the way.

Faith is not only for missionaries, you need a pinch of it

You are welcome to today's weekly words for the moment.
I was privileged to see a movie that moved my sense of reasoning.
In one of the scenes, a character said to his co-character in the movie 'have faith' concerning the situation that they were facing, according to the story line. The co-character who was told to have faith immediately replied sarcastically 'faith' is for missionaries, give me an immediate result'.

Weekly words for the moment || The truth is not to hurt you, it is to prepare you for what is ahead

The truth is bitter, it breaks but it also comforts. The after effects are not always as bad as the opposite sides - ignorance and lies. God Himself did not lie that we will not encounter the storms of life but He told us the truth so that we might be prepared to face them in Isaiah 43:2
"when thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flames kindle upon you".


November Life updates|| Taking stock #7 + December Welcome Note

Hey ladies, hope you had a fruitful November?  I did too and I am so thankful for that.
It is that time of the month again, accountability time. The time for us to look back at how far we have come by appreciating the victories and challenges in the journey of life through out November.

I will go first, then you will also share yours with me in the comments box please.

A Blog Recognition award|| The Liebster Award + 11 Random facts about me

Dear friends our blog got nominated again
but this time it is the Liebster Award.
It is not by my effort alone, it is a collective effort; God's, yours and mine —our efforts.
I want to thank God and you for your constant support, love and thoughts which have made this journey worth embarking on so far. Check out my mystery blogger award here

The Liebster Award 2017 is an award that exists on the internet and is a form of recognition and award for bloggers. It’s also given from other bloggers and is an opportunity to share bloggers you might know.

And to Ezinne of I want to say that you are an amazing soul, for seeing my efforts with blogging good enough to be commended. Thank you. God bless you. Please guys check out her blog as she's doing an amazing job by documenting the life of employees/employers as a P.R personnel living and working as an immigrant in Canada.

4 classes of moments in life that your choices as a young woman fall under

Every moment in life will either make us or break us. Moments when you are offered a choice as a young woman because adulting is tough as so much is expected of you. You are offered the choice to obtain a degree from college, be a drop out or be uneducated. There are also moments when you will have to choose whether to be married or not. The choices in life are numerous, for some, they were guided through the right counseling to make the right decisions, while some  had to learn from their mistakes of making the wrong choices in life but what matters most is that we must choose as humans.
To make it even clear, we must learn to choose rightly as young women. There is a scripture that says "for women are the home builders". This is very true because the outcome of every successful home depends mostly on the woman. Ever been in those moments when you were  left with no option but to make a choice that is not just for your own interests but also accommodates the interests of others too.

Weekly words for the moment ||Walking in the path of another man’s destiny will prevent/delay you from fulfilling your destiny and purpose

Hello ladies, I trust God you are doing great and mighty things this remaining days of November. I am doing same. Let’s seize the moment and take advantage of God’s grace in our lives.
welcome to today's topic on weekly words for the moment and thank you for all your support and acceptance on the first edition.
Did you miss it? If so please click here to read it.


Weekly words for the moment || Stay in charge because God put you in charge of your life


Hello there Winners, I trust God you have been breaking grounds this month, so far. Please here is a little announcement on the blog and something that you have been looking forward to. I am starting a weekly motivation and inspiration series on the blog beginning from today, it's a way of me writing on topics the biblical way through my little understanding, knowledge of the word of God as we grow together and learn through the Light of God. I am going to put in my effort to make sure that this motivational/inspirational series goes up on the blog every Monday because the purpose is to get you started for the week with a positive mindset so that we can all be encouraged through it to start and finish our week strong. In case you see some instances where I abbreviate it WWFTM, please just know that I am referring to weekly words for the moment. Please look forward to this series because it's going to be packed with life changing inspirations/motivations.
Thanks for reading that announcement.

4 kinds of friends that we probably have in common

Hey ladies, I am coming right back at you with an interesting, somewhat hilarious post today. Oops! Sorry the start up line sounds like I am a girl in a hip hop rap tape, lol. But that aside, how are your friends? Hope they are doing great because we will be gisting about them today in this post. So I was thinking about  the amazing friends that I have made in life, close or far, then I thought to myself, we all have these kinds of friends in common, that is how today’s blog post came about.

Please read on because its going to be so much fun and interesting.

Value || The Net Worth Of Your Personality As A Young Woman

To be a person of value, we must keep working on ourselves until we are better than how we were yesterday. The concept of value varies from persons to persons but there is one thing that i know, if you are not impacting your world as a human being here on earth then you would rather be taken and seen as somebody who is not valuable. Are there such people who are not valuable in one way or the other? I would say, there is none, as everyone impacts in different ways that they can, be it small or big.


October life updates|| Taking stock #6

Hello tribe, thank God we made it through the month of October. How have you been so far? I have been through a bumpy ride but this month wasn't so bad either and I made it through too. Yes, we made it, You and I, together.

As usual, this post is the highlight of how October was for me because time is of the essence and I have some things to catch you up on.

Also, don't forget how we always do it, make sure to share how your month of October was, your wins, your highs, your lows, new projects, all in the comment box below. Remember, we are a tribe inspiring each other and I always love to celebrate with you, either way, I have your backs.

Please, let's begin.

Are you seeing the mote in the other fellow's eyes? || 6 signs you might be judgemental

Beautiful babes, hope October is still good to you? Mine is progressive, thank you for asking.
I just wanted to pop in here and share this article on avoiding the seed of being judgemental, the pitfalls that being judgemental brings and why you should avoid them.

So let's go!



It is almost impossible to forget your past especially when the experiences were traumatic, when such past left a life changing scar on you internally or externally.
Yes, we cannot run away from our past but you can heal through the process of acceptance and embracing your past.


Lessons from the birds || 4 life principles every young woman must live by

Hey ladies, I hope the month of October is still smiling at you?
Let me tell you a short story. Wait! before I do so let me tell you that I have not gone nuts, I'm not at all. I was in my right frame of mind when I made this observation ( I still I'm) Lol. I'm just a very curious person blessed with  inquisitive eyes and a super engaging mind, always ready to put it to good use. I also believe in learning the practical way through observing our surroundings and little details.

Now, let's get back to the point, the story.


Hey Queens! Welcome to the month of October. A brand new month full of hopeful beginnings presenting us with a chance to try again in life, reevaluate what went wrong in September, reorder our steps and make some tough but good decisions for ourselves before the year ends.
Trust me, without religious sentiments I assure you that great things can still happen but only if you are apt in identifying the right opportunities.
Now let me take a few minutes of your time and share with you how the month of SEPTEMBER was for me. Hopefully, at the end you will also share with me your victories and hurdles, no matter how small or big they may be. Promise? I would love to celebrate with you and in the other way round, comfort you with words of encouragement. Yes, we are here for all of us.

Come with me, shall we!

On self-image: saying no to self, body shaming and discriminations

Hey babes, you are awesome!
What is this thing about you wanting to look like someone else, sound like someone else and worst of it all, feel like someone else.
Don't you know that you were created in the image and likeness of God. A perfect work of God's manifestation and accomplishments.

Monochrome with a spice

The day I wore this monochrome look was the day that I realized that I am wonderfully made by God,  lol!
You may think that I am bluffing but please take a look at the pictures * grinning from ear to ear *



Hi babes! How are you all doing?
So it’s an outfit post, I am going straight into the details of this outfit. I wore this simple outfit to Church and it was effortlessly put together.

August life updates ||Taking Stock #4

Wow people, August has finished finally. What a relief! *sighs*
This particular month felt so slow to me —exceptionally slow. Compared to the past months. I honestly think it's because I'm hitching to complete my one year mandatory youth service to my country, I talked about it on my last taking stock post here on the blog. I feel like I'm being caged up in one position and everything has been on a vicious circle for almost a year now. I'm just tired of the repetition lifestyle. Anyway enough of my ranting. How was the month of August for you? I hope this month ended well for you as I love you so much to wish you bad.

6 Actionable tips: How to make and maintain friendship with your kind

illustration picture
Hello ladies, how are you doing? Good? Okay!
I'm doing just fine in case you're wondering.
So, in my last blog post I talked about why it's okay not to have legions or cliques of friends. which was the part one of this post, please read it here so that you can catch up on what I am writing about today. Thank you.

 As promised, that I was going to share 6 actionable tips on how you can make and maintain friendship with your kind. I have learnt that these tips work for me over the years in life.  I sincerely believe that they will work for you too, ladies.


5 Reasons why you should not make friends with everybody ( but with a few)

When I was in high school, I wanted to make friends with the bubbling girls on campus but it never possible because I was different. Not just that, but I was unique in my own ways. I always wondered why it came so natural for other girls to make friends easily with other people who were either their kind or not.


As young women, figuring out the various ways or methods to remain youthful, maintain ones glow and natural beauty is usually a very daunting task.  Some young women end up going through the trial and error phase, some depend on suggestions from friends, the list is endless.
Today, I am here to share with you seven ultimate age-defying techniques that you should be using as a young woman.

life and living(July updates #3)|| taking stock

Hi family! I'm so excited that we have come to the end of July sound and safe. So I thought to myself why not write another bonding post such as this just to fill you guys in on my progress in life? It's one of my favorite posts to write because I usually feel like I'm having a physical heart warming gist with you my awesome readers. So in the spirit of bonding, here you go!!


Series|| Thoughts to steer by

Has life given you a raw deal? As we enter say good bye to the month of July. Here are some things you brace your mind with in other to manifest your most desired success.

Let's proceed.


The mystery blogger award

Hi friends, I have missed you guys and this space. I feel like it's been ages since I last bonded with you guys here, but it hasn't been too long has it? Thank goodness I am here now, lol.
How have you been so far? Is the month July fair to you? If not keep trying, there is victory ahead.

Let's dig into today's post.



Hello Fam, how have you been? Very well I guess, Yes?  But incase you are going through some storms of life right now, where ever you are, know this —God is not done with you yet, He hasn't forgotten about you, He is still faithful even at the dire minute, He will still work wonders. God is still in the business of fulfilling His promises in the lives of His children, You —yes you!



You have to know that God handed to everyone his/her purpose in life and however we choose to achieve our dreams and purposes in life is not yours to determine. For we walk the sands of time through different paths.

Dear society, 

It is not normal that as women, we live our lives in constant fear of what the society will think of us if we deviate from the cultures, norms and traditions of our society. 




Hey, beautiful people how have you been? So the month of June has finally come to an end and I thought I should share with you what went down in my  personal/blogging life in June.


The students of the community secondary school, Akparabong, Ikom, Cross River State. 
Indecent dressing is a common problem in the society today especially by the youths.
To be indecently dressed means to deliberately expose ones body to the public, either to attract or not to attract attentions).
This attitude is not accommodated by the cultures and traditions of our society, specifically the Nigerian society and also in Africa.


Outfit Post ||5 quick & easy tips for wearing a gray singlet

 Gray  and black colors never fail any day  or any time. That's why I believe that  owning a gray singlet is a wardrobe staple  both during the sunny season or cold  season. A singlet doesn't just have to  be seen as  an indoor wear, you can use it  to add flare to your outfit whether  coperate or laid back casual. 



Outfit post here

I was inspired to write this post by airingmylaundry. She host a link up on her blog and she is a beautiful soul. Thank you for hosting  me airingmylaundry. Also, I will be running it as a weekly series on the blog because I love the idea.



Hey lovelies! I am here again, thank God for life. Hope you're doing excellently well? Yeah? OK, good.
Thank being said, I want to share something fantastic with you all.hopefully you can relate it to your lives and use it.
Let's dig in.
As a little girl growing up, I always dreamt of being rich in my twenties. You know the whole idea of having a house(home) of my own, a business empire, a job I'm happy at, a hubby, children and of course much money to keep my family and help humanities who are in need.
With regards to this, one of my short/long term goals in life is to be financially stable. I know it's not a day job but I am grinding hard(at least I try harder everyday). The feeling of sinking in financial insufficiency is a stigma - I hate it.
To be in debt because of that is even the worst stigma ever - I thank God debt and I repel each other.  It's taken me some discipline from being stingy to myself, prioritizing my needs, to investing and lots more. Want to find out? Yeah? Ok, read on.
 so I...



You know that moment when you arrive at your new office and almost all the single men want to fill you in on the dos and don'ts of the organization, 'the power players' in the office, the so called 'bad boys'(women hunters) who get weirdly excited at the glimpse of anything in skirt.



Good people I greet you all. How have you been? As for me, making progress in life as always.

So I want to share my views on a quote that I came across on the internet by an unknown author.

"How wrong is it for a woman to expect the man to build the world she wants, rather than to create it herself?"


It has been three months into my National Youth Service Corp which means that I am through with the first quarter of the NYSC program.  I must say it's been fun, interesting and at the same time challenging. As expected I have been confronting each stage of the program courageously, after all I don't have any other choice lol.
According to the National Youth Service Corp ,the main objective of the scheme is inculcate values and morals, discipline into Nigerians therefore integrating them and fostering unity  among Nigerian youths. The NYSC program was founded by Decree No. 24 of May 22nd 1973.
If you are a Nigerian studying abroad or you are here in Nigeria studying or must have completed your study and awaiting your mobilization into the NYSC, please stick around to the end of this post because you will learn something. And to you who is either a working class or one thing or the other please share this post to every Nigerian graduate and Undergraduate you know.
YES! it is time for business.
Because I love sharing with all of you, I decided to share 5 lessons that I learnt in the first three months of my NYSC program.



Dear friends I come to you today with my first outfit blog post and I am excited about it. I got this lovely top with an inspiring quote and I couldn't wait to show you guys. 
My lovely top inspired me to write today's post, hence the above topic.
Before I proceed, I want to apologise for being inconsistent here on the blog, I mean no excuses but my life has been so hectic through out the month of April. I sincerely apologise guys. I will try my best to post consistently now, so help me God.


Is self-love sufficient?

Is self-love sufficient? 

Hello friends how are you doing? Oh! I know the answer --You are fine. Why? Because you are alive today. 
Hmm! Noticed my first word? It's so nice that I think of my blog readers as friends because I believe that we are in some kind of way. At least through this little space of mine. OK enough of the chit chat lol, let's get to why you are here. 
Often times I have come across the hashtag self-love on different social media platforms and very few times I have used it to either caption my pictures or as a hashtag for my post on various social media platforms because I bought the idea -- SELF-LOVE. 
Even with the vast use of the "Self-Love" slogan, some human beings  still find it difficult to accept the idea of loving oneself. 
Even from the Biblical perspective, the word of God tell us that we should love our neighbors as ourselves ( Luke 6:31-33,Mark 12:31). 
The questions are: What if you don't even love yourself in the first place? 
How can you show love to another human being? 
Oh Wait! Do you even think that self-love is sufficient? 
Even though as human beings we are not perfect, but we are loved with our imperfections by a perfect God. ( Deuteronomy 32:4).
My point -- Yes self-love is sufficient because it could be what can get you out of that low self-esteem, self-doubt, self-loathing.
I have heard a lot of misconceptions  about "Self-love", misconceptions like:
Self-Love is self pity 
Self-Love is selfishness 
Self-Love is wallowing in denial 
Self-Love can lead to self-destruction. 
Personally, yes self-love is sufficient.



Hello Loves! How have you been? I trust God that you have been doing excellently well.  As for me, I am still pushing forward. Thanking God for each day that He blesses me with.
So for today's post,  Taking Stock, it is something that I have come across on various blogs like Cassie Daves blog, Princessaudu's blog, Ramblings and snaps blog,  just to mention a few.
Taking Stock is me evaluating and giving an account of various things that happened in the month of March in order to kick start the new month. It is a summary of all the tit-bits that I could not talk about in details in the month of March.
Shout out to those bloggers that I have mentioned who inspired me to write this blog post.
Let's get to business people! Shall we? OK!



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Hello beautiful people, how have you been? I trust God that you have been doing wonderfully well. As for me.... Well life happened.... I mean alot has happened lately within and around me. But I thank God I am still standing strong, not by my power but by the Grace of God.

You know one of the reasons why I decided to go into blogging was because I wanted to have a personal blog were I can document and share my thoughts,(I mean I needed a place to think out loud)experiences, happy moments, my lifestyle, and my personal style journey as it evolves.


ELECTRICITY: a necessity in the Corpers Lodge

Hello blog readers, hope you all doing fine? Me, I have been up and doing at my primary place of assignment (PPA) as a Corper serving her country - Nigeria.
As all of you must have read in my previous post, assuming. *winks*
This segment "Life of a Nigerian Corper " I will be blogging about my experiences during my one year of serving Nigeria my Country.
Today was a glorious day, why?  Because in the corpers lodge were I am living, we finally conquered electricity challenge. Because electricity is such a necessity in human life.



Hello blog readers how are you doing?I believe you are fine. so I want to share with you guys my NYSC journey to Obubra orientation camp, Cross River state. First, NYSC(National Youth Service Corp) was established in May 22nd,1973,to promote common ties among the Nigerian Youths and foster  national integration among youths in Nigeria after the Civil War that lasted for 30months.