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5 quotes that will inspire positiveness in you

So, there are these 5 quotes that resonates well with me and I thought I should share them with you so that you too can find inspiration in them. After all, what is the worth of one’s knowledge if I can not share my ideas with others. To that effect, let’s inspire one another with some amazing quotes that can build a positive mindset in us. We all need some positive energy.

Brave enough as a young woman?|| 3 things brave people have in common

Hello there, goal getters! Thank you for making out time for us to connect again today. I value your time and resources. Now that I have said that, I want to ask you a very simple question. Do you think you are brave enough as a young woman in a demanding world as this? I know you may be flinching in your chair right now because of such question but hold that thought. Before you give me a yes answer, I want you to know that I’m aware that the subject of being brave relates to everyone in different ways.

Have you heard of the idea of being faithful to yourself? || 3 ways to be faithful to yourself

Hey ladies, thank you for being here again, I just want us to discuss about this old philosophy of self-faithfulness. Have you heard of it before? Yes! Maybe NO. Anyway, it is an ancient philosophy but one of the most proven philosophies that works for many people who adopt and stick to it diligently.

“Go forward, don’t look back” || God’s instructions come with divine direction and protection

What if I told you that God does not give any instruction to anybody without giving divine directions
 to go with it, he does not give you a purpose without adding a manual on how you will accomplish it. Would you you believe me? I guess you are not too certain about your answer to that question because it sounds too religious, right?

Draw strength from your success slogans || 5 self-motivators for strength and focus

Hey ladies, are you an entrepreneur, a student, a stay at home mom, an ambitious career lady, a goal digger, a visionary? you own a small or large scale business? What ever the case is, I’m sure yo’all aiming for success and wealth creation, fulfillment in achieving your goals in life and empowering others with your success. If you fall under any of this categories, I want to tell you that the most effective type of strength that inspires success are ideas expressed by slogans or symbols. These are called success slogans or symbols. In other words they are self-motivators that can inspire success in you when absolute focus is given to them.

Being a superhero in a demanding world? || 25 real life description of a superhero woman by Proverbs 31:10-31

Hi boss babes, I believe God that yo'all doing wonderfully well. Today's blogging prompt is "superhero". So I thought what better way than to share with you a real life description of a modern day superhero woman as depicted in the Bible by Proverbs 31:10-31
So let's go!

Dear young women manifest peace not conflict


Dear young women, make peace with yourselves first so that you can live in peace with others. Remember that the greatest challenge we must overcome is getting along with people, much worst when they proof to be difficult. But it is normal to come in contact with those kinds of people, they all contribute to making the world a wonderful place.
I remember the words of one of my lecturers in the university “you can not give what you don’t have, until you have what is requested of you”. Honestly, just like anybody with a youthful desire for perfection, it was not clear to me what he meant until adulting became a must journey and I had to learn to cohabitant peacefully with different sets of human beings on a daily basis. I later realized that my lecturer meant that if you don’t have peace within yourself then you can’t give other people peace.