Outfit post here

I was inspired to write this post by airingmylaundry. She host a link up on her blog and she is a beautiful soul. Thank you for hosting  me airingmylaundry. Also, I will be running it as a weekly series on the blog because I love the idea.

The "hey, it's okay" series is about stating those things that you are OK about, even though you would want them to be better. It only means that you are human and at a stage in life you have to accept some things the way they are and enjoy life, instead of struggling to change them. 

Hey It's Okay........ 

.........to recover from sickness. While I was sick I learnt that family isn't tied only to blood relations but also by the bonds you share with the people who love and care for you. I also realized that is wealth. Indeed when there is life, there is hope.

.........to actually sit at home waiting for the state government to call off the strike so that I can resume work(NYSC). For now I will make good use of the time. 

.........to be lazy about loosening my protective hairstyle and wash my hair. Hmmm!the struggle is real. Lol. 

.........to have a conflict of interest with finding yourself and your purpose on earth as a human. But I guess the journey to self-discovery is something one must embark on everyday until you finally discover yourself and purpose. 

..........to eat alot of rice lately. I mean,it's a great feeling. 

..........to allow my face breathe from wearing makeup and allowing the eyebrows to grow bushy. At times it's necessary. 

So that's it guys. 

What are the things that you OK about in your life right now ? 

         Connect with me 
Instagram: dazzle_and_gorgeous
Twitter:    DominikaGood
Pinterest: Goodnessdominika

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  1. ------it's okay to actually let go of the people that were once dear to you but grew apart from you for no reason.

    1. Yes letting go of some relationships is hard but what needs to be done has to be done. Girl thank you for your support,for always stopping by the blog.
