Is self-love sufficient?

Is self-love sufficient? 

Hello friends how are you doing? Oh! I know the answer --You are fine. Why? Because you are alive today. 
Hmm! Noticed my first word? It's so nice that I think of my blog readers as friends because I believe that we are in some kind of way. At least through this little space of mine. OK enough of the chit chat lol, let's get to why you are here. 
Often times I have come across the hashtag self-love on different social media platforms and very few times I have used it to either caption my pictures or as a hashtag for my post on various social media platforms because I bought the idea -- SELF-LOVE. 
Even with the vast use of the "Self-Love" slogan, some human beings  still find it difficult to accept the idea of loving oneself. 
Even from the Biblical perspective, the word of God tell us that we should love our neighbors as ourselves ( Luke 6:31-33,Mark 12:31). 
The questions are: What if you don't even love yourself in the first place? 
How can you show love to another human being? 
Oh Wait! Do you even think that self-love is sufficient? 
Even though as human beings we are not perfect, but we are loved with our imperfections by a perfect God. ( Deuteronomy 32:4).
My point -- Yes self-love is sufficient because it could be what can get you out of that low self-esteem, self-doubt, self-loathing.
I have heard a lot of misconceptions  about "Self-love", misconceptions like:
Self-Love is self pity 
Self-Love is selfishness 
Self-Love is wallowing in denial 
Self-Love can lead to self-destruction. 
Personally, yes self-love is sufficient.